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Updated: Jan 31

Sound Familiar?

If you're a book nerd or a reader in general, I'm sure there must have been times when you absolutely didn't know what to read.

I'm not telling you that you don't have a TBR list, of course you do, but you still can't figure out which one to pick up, or maybe you don't feel like reading the next book in your TBR.

What do you do?

Alright, I'll give you 5 simple tips to help you, if you're stuck in such a situation. These tips might also help you if you're in a reading slump.

Tip 1: Pick out a book from your Favorite Genre.

For instance, my favorite genres are Murder mystery and YA. Every time I feel like I'm in a reading slump or just can't make up my mind to pick a book, that's what I do.

I know if I pick up a good thriller, I aint regretting it at all. Sometimes it's a good fuzzy YA novel, which just puts me in the right mood to keep reading.

Tip 2: Re-read your favorite Book.

I know, I know the other newly purchased books I bought from the last Flipkart sale do give me judgy eyes too. But there's always time to read new books, right? (At least that's what I keep telling myself. ) But when such a situation arises, pick out your favorite Harry Potter book or your favorite classic, Because let's face it, those books are what made you a reader in the first place, so you basically owe it to them (wink).

Tip 3: Read a Self-Help Book.

I'm quite new to the self help genre myself, but I gotta tell you, everytime I finished reading a good Self Help book, it has left me feeling so Good about myself, I feel confident and picked up a few tips. You don't have to be feeling particularly low or depressed in order to read a self help book, you can read it for some inspiration, Just Like that. If you need any recommendations, I've posted an article exclusively for that,make sure to check that out.

Tip 4: Read a poetry Book.

I didn't own a lot of poetry books, actually I didn't own any poetry books up until a few months ago. Poetry has magic of it's own, reading a poetry book is quite different from reading a novel. I find it greatly inspiring and also makes me fall in love with the whole experience of reading itself. It's like watching a musical for me, if that makes sense.

Next time you're in a dilemma as such, pick a poetry book!

Tip 5: Talk with your Book Club Members.

Discuss with your book club members, if you don't have one yet, form one!

I made a lot of wonderful book worm friends after joining #Bookstagram, ask them what they're currently reading, probably pick a book, and read along with them. Talking about readalongs, there are many bookstagrammers who host awesome readalongs, join in with them. It's an amazing experience!

Alright, these were some of my tips to help you read when you don't know what to read, I hope it helps. Please comment below if you have any tips you'd like to share, I will definitely share them in my instagram stories for the rest of them. Also let me know, if you liked this post it'll inspire me to write more articles like this.


Pic credit - we heart it

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